Trinity Baptist Church invites you to be a part of our growing congregation!
We are a God fearing, Christ exalting, and Bible teaching Church with a desire to help our community.
In these times of change and uncertainty Trinity Baptist Church is dedicated to spreading God’s Word; the only source of timeless and unchanged truth to the world. We believe that the Bible is God’s perfect revelation to His greatest creation (mankind). Our desire is to help people and see God’s Word revolutionize your life as it has ours.

Who We Are
Trinity Baptist Church is an independent fundamental Bible believing and Bible preaching church. We believe in the authority of the scriptures over all mankind in regard to all matters of life. We seek to follow the biblical mandate to "Study to shew theyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim 2:15)
At Trinity our focus is the family. We believe that the family is a precious institution from God. Our desire is to help and encourage, children, teens, and parents in their personal and corporate walk with God.
We have classes available for children preschool through age 12 during Sunday school and morning worship services.
As you are leaving Bingham on 201 North, you will go up a hill. The church is just past the cemetery on the left.
For More Info
Jeremy Martinez - Pastor
Cell: (207) 431-3270